The Western Pennsylvania Ski Council’s Jim Kapp Memorial SnowSports Scholarship Award is bestowed upon deserving Snowsport athletes in the Council’s region. The award originated in 2020 to foster young athletes in pursuit of their SnowSport goals. It is awarded annually as a recognition of dedication to the pursuit of snow sport activities, with a monetary award to assist these athletes in pursuit of reaching those goals.
In 2021, the program was renamed to honor Jim Kapp, who passed away in February of 2021 from ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease. Jim was the past President of the Council, a Member/Officer of many of the Council’s Clubs, and a Level Three Alpine, Telemark, and Snowboard Instructor, along with being one of the few certified PSIA Advanced Educators.
The Council grants this award upon an athlete’s request and nomination, based on a completed requesting perspective, an interview, and an approval by the snow sports nomination committee. The nominee is then presented to the Council's Club Representatives for approval along with a requested monetary value. The value of the award varies per year based on council funding and revenue streams (e.g.: WPSC sponsored ski trips). Additionally, individual clubs and members have, through group and private donations, increased the awarded value over it's life. These external donations have also allowed for an increase in the number of approved athletes for this award.
Winners of the SnowSports Award have included:
Davin A. SlopeStyle Athlete who competed in various regional USASA Slopestyle events while dealing with serious medical conditions.
Tyler D. who as an ECS "A” Athlete who competed at USSA Junior Mogul Nationals and who has gone on to engineering school at Penn State. Tyler has also frequently returned to PAFreestyle’s program to help with training younger Aerial and Mogul athletes.
Nico B., a past PAFreestyle athlete who is currently competing as a NorAM/FIS Mogul Athlete, training both in North America and abroad, while attending High School at the Killington Mountain School.
Kaitlyn L. who competed for multiple years at USASA Nationals in Slopestyle and Boarder Cross. She has recently graduated High School and will be attending Penn State. She also plans to come back to coach the local SnowboardCross team.
Gunner R., a budding USSA EQS “B” Aerial and Mogul Athlete who has been completing regionally in both Pennsylvania and New York.
The WPSC Jim Kapp SnowSports Scholarship program wishes to thank each, and every member club and their individual members for their ongoing support in the development of athletes on and off the snow.
Additional information about the Award can be found at: